Quit Smoking withe-cigarettes

Help quit smoking fact

You have been trying many ways to quit smoking without much success. You may have successfully quit smoking for a while, but ended up smoking even more a few months later. You are desperate to quit smoking, but your mind keeps telling you its not going to be easy. Why is it so hard to quit smoking Is it all in the mind, or is it something more sinister wreaking havoc in your body that stops you from quitting smoking

Lets examine the reasons why you are still smoking.
You find it difficult to quit smoking because:
you are stressed.
you feel lonely.
you have nothing better to do.
you feel you can work better when smoking.
its cool to be seen smoking.
you need to smoke when you are in the toilet.
your friends are smokers.
it feels good to smoke after a meal.
you frequent the pubs and its hard to resist a smoke with an alcoholic beverage.

Can you identify with these situations If you do, then its unfortunate because these are the reasons many people give up trying to quit smoking before they even start. All I can say is that these are nothing but mere excuses your mind keeps telling you not to quit smoking. Granted, different people have different triggers that get them reaching for the next cigarette. But the overwhelming reason why you are still smoking is due to one simple fact...

...And the fact is, you are addicted to the chemical nicotine.

When you inhale cigarette smoke, nicotine is rapidly absorbed into your blood and starts affecting your brain within seconds. The result is the release of the chemicals that stimulate feelings of pleasure and wellbeing. These feelings last for a few minutes, after which the effect of nicotine starts to wear off, so you continue smoking throughout the day to maintain the pleasurable effects of nicotine.

In order to successfully quit smoking, your body needs to get rid of its dependence on nicotine. If you dont smoke for 2 weeks, your body will physically adjust to again functioning without nicotine and the more than 3,500 chemical particles and 500 gases present in every cigarette. The key is to stop smoking long enough for your body to completely flush out and not be dependent on nicotine.

Source: Free Articles

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