Quit Smoking withe-cigarettes

Njoy electronic cigarettes easily and safely quit smoking while pregnant

Njoy Electronic Cigarettes

It may seem a trifle thing, quitting smoking while pregnant; however, if you value the life of your unborn child as well as your own, you will heed the advice that so many doctors, your family, and no doubt your partner have given you.

There are definitely hard choices that we all have to make in life none more difficult than know what is best for your child. If you quit smoking now, you will not only be ensuring the health of your baby, you will be taking the first step to protecting your child from harm.

The risks to your health and your child's health are many. Firstly, because tobacco smoke removes some of the oxygen from your cells and replaces it with carbon monoxide, you will be exposing your unborn child to your toxic blood cells the same blood the baby needs to survive. You'll also be denying your child the oxygen he or she needs to survive through the pregnancy. Njoy Electronic Cigarettes

Women who smoke during pregnancy have a higher risk of miscarrying or giving birth to a stillborn baby. The longterm risks to your child are also incredibly severe. Children who are born to mothers who smoked during pregnancy are prone to needing a great deal of medical attention within the first eight months of life. They are also more prone to having asthma, tuberculosis, and an increased risk of cancer.

It may seem a daunting task, quitting smoking while pregnant. However, there is a way to naturally and safely rid yourself of the plague of nicotine addiction. Consider Neuro Linguistic Programming NLP. What NLP does is target those areas that are most prone to nicotine cravings and eradicates them completely. Through the use of a simple audio recording, NLP can help you through the quitting process and give you the chance to safely protect your unborn child from a life full of trauma. Njoy Electronic Cigarettes

Real Stories

Now that e-cigarettes have been on the market a while, people are starting to report their ‘anniversaries’ of tobacco-free living.

Thanks to the internet, he could use the support system available through e-cigarette forums for encouragement and now he can celebrate one year without ‘lighting up.

Although the goal was not originally to quit smoking, it turns out that she is greatly encouraged about her ability have a nicotine-free life in the very near future.

One man reports he is taking ‘baby steps’ toward his addiction, but is thrilled to report that after just 2 months using e-cigarettes, he has quit tobacco.