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Quit nail biting remedy for nail biting

Nail biting is probably one of the most annoying habits that one can ever have. Not only is annoying, it can also be uncomfortable and embarrassing for anyone who has this kind of habit. These can be the reasons why many people are looking for an effective remedy for nail biting. The sad news is, there is no proven cure for nail biting but there are methods that can help discourage this nasty habit.

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One of the most popular remedies for nail biting comes in the form of hypnotherapy. There are two ways by which hypnotherapy can be used to help discourage nail biting: with help of a trained therapist and the other is with the help of a series of selfhelp recordings. Both these methods involve relaxing the mind so the nail biter can focus on getting off his or her nasty habit. Success is often achieved through giving associations and suggestions to the subconscious mind which in turn can deter the annoying habit of nail biting.

Behavioral therapy is another remedy for nail biting that has become widely used by many experts. Much like hypnotherapy, this is also a psychological approach to help deter the nail biting habit. This method involves habit reversal training, which aims to replace the old, annoying habit with a milder one.

However, there have been reports that those who have undergone therapy eventually lapse back to their old habits and they start biting their nails again over time. Oftentimes, this form of regression occurs once therapy sessions are stopped or completed.

Although there is no sure remedy for nail biting, one thing is certain: it is an annoying habit. If you have this kind of habit, then you know that you need to get rid of it before it brings severe harm to your body and your health.

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