Quit Smoking withe-cigarettes

Quit smoking hypnosis programs will they work for you

Quit smoking hypnosis programs are popular right now, but will they work for you Even if you really want to quit smoking, hypnosis might cause you some serious doubts.

Maybe the only kind of hypnosis you've ever seen is the kind they do in Las Vegas. You know, the hypnotist stands on the stage and asks for a volunteer from the audience. And it usually winds up that someone gets volunteered by a friend sitting next to them. Everyone in the audience has had a few drinks. Everyone is in a good mood and wants to see a show.

So the volunteer gets up on stage. The hypnotist says a few magic words. And right in front of everybody, the volunteer starts clucking like a chicken. Or crawling on the floor meowing like a cat. Everyone laughs. The hypnotist snaps the volunteer out of his trance.. And the poor guy doesn't remember anything, but feels great anyway!

If that's what you think happens when you use hypnosis to quit smoking, you'll be either relieved or disappointed. The truth is, hypnosis programs for quitting smoking are more commonly a set of relaxation suggestions that you learn to help you do something that you really want to do. These programs are not designed to force you to do something that you're not willing to do for instance, act like a chicken!.

Many self hypnosis programs for quitting smoking, advertise that they can help you quit in one session. Sometimes it really does work that way, but not always. Smoking is a really difficult addiction to overcome. And some people need to try quitting several times before they can quit for good.

So even if you buy a quit smoking hypnosis program, and you end up quitting for only a day or a week, you are actually making good progress. Why would anyone consider failure to quit "good progress.". Well, you're making progress because you actually learned some new self hypnosis techniques. And if they help you quit even for a few hours, when otherwise you would have smoked your cigarettes or cigars, then you made progress.

Smoking addiction is particularly difficult beat. Not only do you have a physical addiction to nicotine, but the longer you smoke, the more rituals and habitual patterns you develop. If you smoke one pack of cigarettes a day, you practice your "cigarette smoking ritual" 20 times every day. How many other activities do you practice 20 times every day

No wonder it takes people more than one try to finally quit smoking for good! That's why using a good self hypnosis program for quitting smoking is a great investment. It's something you can use over and over again. But you only pay for it once.

Self hypnosis programs are excellent tools for changing behaviors, longterm. Even if you manage to quit smoking for a year, it's not uncommon for the temptation to smoke to come back. Especially If your life situation changes drastically.

Some of the most stressful events in life are considered by most people to be positive, for instance, weddings, babies, buying a new house, getting a promotion. Might have quit during a time in your life when there was relatively low stress. Maybe you were lucky enough to have that low stress situation last for a year or two. But when you start that new job, and you're nervous about the big meeting with your new boss, it can suddenly seem like a really good idea to start smoking again. Stress can do that to you.

That's why self hypnosis is such a great tool. Even if your sneaky mind is telling you it's a good idea to go out and buy a pack of cigarettes after a year of not smoking, you can do choose to start thinking about your hypnosis routine. Once you learn it, you can use it forever.

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