Quit Smoking withe-cigarettes

Quitting alcohol easy does it

I'm sure you have noticed as a alcoholic that we slam our drinks down much faster then the average person. We also have a habit of getting down the last drop. I always poped off that stupid plastic piece that was on my travaler of vodka, just to get the last dribble. To see a person leave a half drink on the table blew my mind, I almost considered it a crime.

After quitting alcohol, I still find myself never leaving a drop in my coffee cup or soda.

Our even not saving the rest of my meal for later. I may be stuffed but I will gorge myself until it's finished.

There is a compulsion for more. This is not a bad thing, quitting alcohol is awesome. Just realise that you may naturally switch your compulsion to something more positive, like seeking knowledge, working harder, exercising.

In A.A there is a slogan "Easy Does It" it reminds us that we are over doing things, always rushing, and becoming very impatient with anything that slows us down. We find it hard to relax and enjoy life.

We need to slow down and enjoy the journey, and not worry about the destination. Standing still and pacing ourselves in a healthy way is very important. We need to stop looking for instant gratifiacation. Remember the damage we created from drinking did not happen overnight. So quitting alcohol is not going to change everything in an instant.

When I find myself running around like a chicken with it's cut off, trying to wrap up old projects and starting new ones all at once. I have found that by asking myself this simple question " Is this hurry or madness really nesscessary " I find the answer is almost always "No". Instead I arrange my priorities more sensibly. I conserve my energy and time. Everything will work itself out in time. Just remember "Easy Does It".

Real Stories

Now that e-cigarettes have been on the market a while, people are starting to report their ‘anniversaries’ of tobacco-free living.

Thanks to the internet, he could use the support system available through e-cigarette forums for encouragement and now he can celebrate one year without ‘lighting up.

Although the goal was not originally to quit smoking, it turns out that she is greatly encouraged about her ability have a nicotine-free life in the very near future.

One man reports he is taking ‘baby steps’ toward his addiction, but is thrilled to report that after just 2 months using e-cigarettes, he has quit tobacco.