Quit Smoking withe-cigarettes

Smoking and weight loss is it worthwhile to initiate an attempt to slim down through smoking

Though I am not in the league of Jennifer Lopez or Tom Cruise for the sole reason that I dont fit into the category of exceedingly beautiful people, I do have in store a little sagacity with myself which prevents me from adopting smoking as a measure to lose weight and attain an enviable physique. Whatsoever information is available on the illeffects of smoking, it boldly points towards the fact that SMOKING MARS LOOKS RATHER THAN IMPROVING THEM and so you are likely to succumb to largescale losses on the way if you rely on cigarettes for slimming and trimming!

With a few facts in your hand, you can easily judge and evaluate the impact of smoking on your looks and appearance. There is not even an iota of falsehood in the fact that cigarette smoking leads to discoloration of the teeth and fingers and can also be a powerful factor in bringing early wrinkles on your face. So then Wont it be utterly absurd and ridiculous to contemplate weight loss through smoking cigarettes and other tobacco containing products

Your neighbors and friends who have taken up cigarette smoking as a measure to reduce the extra flab on the body would soon come in contact with the entire fallacy of their beliefs when the little weight they had lost via smoking would come back to them in no time. If they stop smoking cigarettes it is inevitable and if they and continue the intake of tobacco containing substances, the harmful consequences of nicotine intake would doubly jeopardize their health.
To inform you a few truths on the possible harms from nicotine addiction, let me mention that smoking is capable of inducing a whole array of illnesses in your body and the most deadly among them are cancer and erectile dysfunction. You need to safeguard yourself and there in no point in pushing your health and hygiene to the throes of destruction in order to fulfill the illusory dream of physical upliftment through smoking!

Real Stories

Now that e-cigarettes have been on the market a while, people are starting to report their ‘anniversaries’ of tobacco-free living.

Thanks to the internet, he could use the support system available through e-cigarette forums for encouragement and now he can celebrate one year without ‘lighting up.

Although the goal was not originally to quit smoking, it turns out that she is greatly encouraged about her ability have a nicotine-free life in the very near future.

One man reports he is taking ‘baby steps’ toward his addiction, but is thrilled to report that after just 2 months using e-cigarettes, he has quit tobacco.