Quit Smoking withe-cigarettes

Stop smoking and start investing your money how to actually profit from an electronic cigarette

For smokers who smoke on a regular basis, the cost can be exponential. Smoking a pack a day at 6.75 for one year cost the average smoker 2,463. 75. That can be very expensive, not to mention this is only a pack a day smoker. Some smokers are easily a two a day, some even three packs a day smokers. Imagine if you can save money from smoking, turn around and invest that money while the market is at its low point, and make a steady 1020 if not more investing in mutual funds.

If the average pack a day smoker converted their resources over to an electronic cigarette, they have the potential to save a lot more then what they are spending currently. If they purchase the refill cartridges at roughly 10 for a case, and the case will last them about 2 packs of cigarettes, then they will be spending730 dollars a year on cartridges. That leaves the consumer with a surplus of 1,733.75 a year. That alone is a big enough savings to please a consumer in this volatile market. Now lets say that only invest 50 of that leaving the rest in their pocket. That leaves 866.88 to invest and 866.88 to spend at your hearts desire. Now investing that money in a mutual fund earning you a minimum of 15 gets you and extra 130 dollars a year for doing nothing. That is roughly 1,000 dollars that you just saved and had to do nothing with. When the market gets better that will leave you with more money in your account. Turn that 1,000 compounding and you could have well over 10,000 in about 7 years. Here is where you can start you savings!

Learn more about the smokeless cigarette and a valuable FREE video!!!

Real Stories

Now that e-cigarettes have been on the market a while, people are starting to report their ‘anniversaries’ of tobacco-free living.

Thanks to the internet, he could use the support system available through e-cigarette forums for encouragement and now he can celebrate one year without ‘lighting up.

Although the goal was not originally to quit smoking, it turns out that she is greatly encouraged about her ability have a nicotine-free life in the very near future.

One man reports he is taking ‘baby steps’ toward his addiction, but is thrilled to report that after just 2 months using e-cigarettes, he has quit tobacco.