Quit Smoking withe-cigarettes

Stop smokingimprove your health

Many campaigns have been, and are being, conducted all over the world to educate people and help them to get rid of this addiction. Individual Governments, NGOs, and medical clinics conduct smoking cessation campaigns and awareness programs regularly. Campaigns by NGOs and medical clinics in different cities around the world carry the name of the city with messages to citizens to stop smoking or call for assistance for smoking cessation. For example, an awareness campaign in DallasTexas could be called Dallas Smoking Cessation or Stop Smoking in Dallas. But smokers will always be averse to quit smoking as the tobacco addiction is just like any other addiction like alcohol and drugs.

The Smoking cessation programs educate smokers about the harmful effects of smoking to themselves and to the people around them including their loved ones. Chain smokers and people around them are more at risk than casual smokers. According to the WHO, smoking is one of the leading, but preventable causes of death the world over and estimates are that it is the cause of 5.4 million deaths every year. This has not only prompted Governments, but also NGOs and medical clinics to conduct regular campaigns in countries and cities the world over. Campaigns with banners, media ads, etc have catchy names, slogans, and messages like the example 'Stop Smoking in Dallas' mentioned earlier.

But why is smoking so harmful and why are Governments, NGOs, and medical clinics so earnestly trying to stop smoking The reason is that most smokers are not aware of the harmful effects of smoking, and even if they are, they are so addicted that they tend to ignore the truth. Smoking tobacco is the inhaling and exhaling smoke from cured leaves used in cigarettes. Some people smoke casually for temporary pleasure, or habitually due to an addiction to nicotine in tobacco, or social pressure. Research has ascertained that smoking causes emphysema, lung cancer, and cardiovascular or Heart disease among the many other problems. The WHO reports that smoking has killed over 100 million individuals worldwide in the twentieth century and has warned that it can kill over one billion people all over the world in the twenty first century.

Cigarette smokers are not the only ones whose health is at risk, but also those around them, as they inhale the smoke that smokers exhale, and this harms their health, even if they are nonsmokers. Although smoking is addictive and it is difficult to stop smoking, it is not impossible. Medical spas and clinics all over the world conduct deaddiction programs to assist people to quit smoking. The first step towards quitting smoking is to decide to quit smoking. The next step is to search for an NGO or medical spa and clinic in your city, which can help you to quit smoking. So a smoker in Dallas can search for a medical clinic on the Internet by searching for Dallas Smoking Cessation and a smoker in any other city can look for smoking cessation programs with their city name.

For more information on quitting smoking, Dallas Smoking Cessation and Stop Smoking in Dallas , please do visit our site or call us NOW

Real Stories

Now that e-cigarettes have been on the market a while, people are starting to report their ‘anniversaries’ of tobacco-free living.

Thanks to the internet, he could use the support system available through e-cigarette forums for encouragement and now he can celebrate one year without ‘lighting up.

Although the goal was not originally to quit smoking, it turns out that she is greatly encouraged about her ability have a nicotine-free life in the very near future.

One man reports he is taking ‘baby steps’ toward his addiction, but is thrilled to report that after just 2 months using e-cigarettes, he has quit tobacco.