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When is it time to call your marriage quits

I have handled all manner of conflicts in marriage and helped the couples involved to resolve those issues successfully. However, there's one critical factor that gives me hope that conflict in marriage can be resolved "the desire to make it work!"

Whenever one or both partners have completely lost the desire to restore the relationship, it is almost not possible for that marriage to carry on. This is a red flag that quits is necessary for the good of each partner. Therefore, every failing marriage can be restored except one, "the marriage that has lost the couple's desire to make it work.

I've even had one of the couple say "Just a little stir of desire can encourage me to give it a try, but I can't find any!" If your marriage has come to this point, it would most likely be the time to call your marriage quits. When a partner or both partners don't even care again to the extent of not wanting to make any effort to salvage the marriage, then that marriage is headed to total disintegration.

When someone's emotions have been terribly battered repeatedly, it most certainly is difficult to want to try again! And not just trying again, they are not even ready to venture into marriage again after quitting. This is why some troubled marriages may not survive. But once there is the desires to try again despite the seemingly hopeless condition of the relationship, don't undermine the power of such little desire, that marriage can blossom again!

Is your marriage headed to disaster Have you tried all you couldn't seems to be getting tougher Well, if you still have the urge and desire to try again, then don't give up yet! All hope is not lost; your desire to try again can produce a lasting solution to the problem that is almost wrecking your home. However, if you can't find that urge no matter how hard you try, then consider calling it quits so that you can have peace of mind, and heart.

Nevertheless, don't mix up desire with hope here. It's a different ball game to lose hope; someone who has lost hope can become hopeful again! But not when there is no desire to even hope! With professional help, a couple that is hopeless about their marriage can have their hopes rekindled; but for lost desire, it is almost impossible. As the saying goes, you my take the horse to the river, but you cannot force it to drink...

You can really get your marriage to work again no matter what the problem is, but if the desire to try is completely dead, then it may be time to call your marriage quits!

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